Certification and Liability for Medical Device Companies

Certification and Liability for Medical Device Companies

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October 16, 2024
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Certification and Liability for Medical Device Companies

Ensuring medical devices are used safely and properly requires a strong foundation of training and often requires manufacturer certification. Training ensures important product knowledge is transferred to all users. Certification acts as a stamp of approval, verifying that healthcare providers know how to properly use these devices safely and for the best patient outcomes. This article explores how training software helps educate healthcare providers and can offer certification programs for those medical practitioners to ensure regulatory compliance.

Understanding certification in the medical device industry

Training and certification in the medical device industry is important for safe and effective use of products and devices. The purpose of specialized training is to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate complex equipment/ correctly. It includes detailed instruction on the device's features, functions, and proper usage, with a strong emphasis on patient safety and regulatory compliance. Certification ensures that practitioners are proficient in using the device and also aware of the potential risks and how to mitigate them.

One of the key benefits of certification in medical device training is the assurance of consistent, high-quality product usage across various healthcare settings. Certified users are better equipped to handle the device, which leads to improved patient outcomes and fewer errors. Furthermore, certification programs are often aligned with industry standards and regulatory requirements, which is essential for maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations. Certification also instills confidence in patients, knowing that the device is being used by a trained and certified professional.

 Medical device training certification fosters ongoing education and professional development in the healthcare field. As medical devices continue to evolve with technological advancements, ongoing certification ensures that healthcare professionals remain current with the latest updates and best practices. A continuous learning environment elevates the standard of care, supports the integration of new technologies into medical practice, and ultimately contributes to the advancement of the healthcare industry as a whole.

The link between certification and liability

In the medical device industry,  certification of training serves as a formal acknowledgment that healthcare professionals have been adequately trained to use a specific medical device. It indicates that they have undergone rigorous training and are knowledgeable about the device's proper usage, potential risks, and safety protocols. This reduces the likelihood of misuse, which can lead to patient harm, and by extension, legal repercussions. Certification reduces potential liability also reinforces the commitment to patient safety, which enhances the quality of care.

For manufacturers, certification programs may help limit liability in case of device-related incidents. If a device is involved in a medical error or patient injury, one of the first questions that arises is whether the user was properly trained. If the healthcare professional is certified, it shows that the person completed the applicable training programs provided. This can be a crucial piece of documentation to protect the manufacturer from claims of negligence or inadequate training.

According to CFPIE, a leader in Scientific Training and certification, 

“Thoroughly documenting device compliance is a central process for strict regulatory and quality standards. Some of the reasons why documenting regulatory compliance is crucial include the following:

  • Proves compliance and quality assurance; proper documentation proves that devices meet regulatory standards.
  • Demonstrates risk management procedures and traceability of materials.
  • Creates legal protection by showing adherence to regulated processes.

The technologies and process for proper documentation are one of the many things students learn when attending a reputable certification course."


Healthcare providers also benefit from training certification when it comes to liability. In the event of a device-related incident, a certified professional is more likely to be seen as having exercised due diligence in their use of the device. If your training program has received the proper certification rating from third party organizations in your industry, it means the users who successfully complete the program are properly trained in safe and effective use. This certification act as documentation that the provider took the necessary steps to properly train staff, reducing the risk of liability against claims of negligence or non-compliance.

Role of training software in offering healthcare provider certification

Effective healthcare provider certification hinges on a robust, approved, and qualified training program. This is where Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Skilljar come into play with tools to streamline the certification process.

Traditional methods, like instructor-led training, can be resource-intensive and limited by geography as well as time. An LMS offers a flexible and scalable alternative for healthcare training. Skilljar's platform allows for the creation of interactive, multimedia training modules that cater to different learning styles. The modules can incorporate video demonstrations, clear explanations of device operation, and interactive quizzes to assess comprehension.

The asynchronous approach, along with data and reporting, and sharing, updating the content, with appropriate governance settings in place, allows for a smoother review and qualification process for the regulatory and certifying organizations to assess and approve the content. 

Managing a large volume of healthcare provider certifications can be a complex task. The Skilljar platform includes features for tracking individual and group progress, automates notification of certification expiration, and generates detailed usage reports. Having a centralized system streamlines the entire certification process and saves administrators time.

Implementing certification programs for medical device users

Robust certification programs for medical device users are a critical part of ensuring safe patient care. Here's how these programs can benefit both patients and medical device companies.

  • Reduced risk of misuse: Medical devices can be complex, and proper training is essential to avoid misuse. Certification programs equip users with a thorough understanding of the device's functionalities, limitations, and proper handling procedures. This reduces the risk of errors and potential patient harm.

  • Streamlined compliance with regulations: The medical device industry is subject to strict regulations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. and Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) in Europe. By storing user activities, including program journeys and completions, providing documentation of user certification can help medical device companies demonstrate compliance with regulations, where applicable or required.

  • Stronger foundation for continuous improvement: Certification programs create a solid foundation for ongoing education and skill development. The knowledge base established through initial certifications can be readily expanded upon with continuing education modules, so users stay up-to-date on device advancements.

As with any training program, the content is updated based on user findings and new modifications to the materials or requirements. The flexibility and ease of updating course training and certification renewal requirements are more streamlined in a module-based platform with a persistent resource library that can be shared.

For instances where certification renewal is required or available, continuous tracking and learning program progress can be tracked and stored for complete user profiles, and identification when changes are significant and require updated training.  

Implementing training for continuing education credits

Effective user certification programs don't end with the initial training. Ongoing education is important for healthcare providers to maintain their skills and stay current with best practices. This is where Skilljar's LMS can help again by integrating continuing education (CE) opportunities into the user certification process.

Imagine a nurse who has been certified on a specific device. A year later, a new software update is released with enhanced features. Skilljar's LMS allows for the creation of a short, targeted training module focused on the update. Upon completion, if the program content submitted by the training provider is approved and certified by a CE granting organization, the nurse can earn continuing education credits that contribute to their professional development requirements.

By aligning training modules with relevant continuing education requirements, Skilljar offers training providers and medical device manufacturers a platform and system to create a comprehensive learning ecosystem for users, while also enabling streamlined requirements reporting with accrediting organizations and regulatory bodies, allowing companies to continue to provide ongoing training opportunities for their professional development needs.

Best practices for designing effective medical device certification programs

Here are five key practices to ensure your program is effective and delivers lasting value:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment first: Start by understanding who will be using your device (nurses, technicians, etc.) and their existing knowledge. What are their potential knowledge gaps related to the device's functions and potential risks? Think of the certification program as a learning journey, building from the ground up. This targeted approach ensures users grasp the fundamentals before diving into advanced topics.

  2. Choose the right eLearning platform: An LMS like Skilljar provides a centralized platform for managing everything from content delivery to progress tracking. Look for features that make learning engaging, like user-friendly interfaces, multimedia content (think explainer videos), and robust reporting to identify areas for improvement.

  3. Structure the learning path: Start with foundational modules on the device's functionalities and basic operation. Gradually progress to more in-depth topics like troubleshooting, safety protocols, and potential complications. Balance theory with practical demonstrations and interactive quizzes to solidify understanding.

  4. Incorporate assessment: Effective certification programs integrate assessments throughout the program that test knowledge along with practical skills. If possible, consider simulating real-world scenarios or case studies that challenge users to apply their knowledge.

  5. Set expectations upfront: From the very beginning, clearly communicate all program requirements, assessment criteria, and continuing education credit opportunities to users. Regularly update them on program changes and ensure they understand how to access training programs and updates.

Skilljar can help you maintain medical device certification for healthcare providers

Maintaining healthcare provider certification for medical devices can be complex, but Skilljar simplifies the process. The platform can help you run a comprehensive continuing education program. Also, you can offer targeted training modules that keep providers up-to-date on the latest advancements, regulatory changes, and best practices in the field.

Skilljar can also automate notifications and reminders for training requirements, such as expiration reminders for certifications, which can facilitate the timely completion of continuing education requirements. With a few clicks, you can generate detailed reports for accrediting bodies. This streamlines the compliance process by eliminating manual tracking and paperwork.

Get a Skilljar demo to learn how our LMS solution can improve your medical device user certification process.

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