Data Connector

What is a Data Connector? Skilljar’s Data Connector is a customer-specific PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Web Services enabling easy and reliable integrations with any tool that can directly access and query data. The integration allows companies to visualize their learning and certification data in new and powerful ways, as well as analyze and combine training data with business intelligence from other areas of the company for actionable insights.

With Skilljar’s Data Connector:

Easily integrate all of your education data into your business intelligence tool of choice for direct access and customer queries.

The Data Connector grants full access to a copy of your Skilljar data set, including relational objects such as the Course Progress between a Student and a Course. This empowers you to slice and dice your training data in granular ways that directly match your specific business case, as we know every training program is unique.

Capabilities and use cases include:

Trained customers are 73% more likely to renew than untrained customers.
  • Streaming all training data directly into your own Data Warehouse, allowing you to access the curated Skilljar student analytics right alongside any additional data points your team measures – in one place
  • Building reports to attribute the impact of training consumption on important account-based metrics such as expansion, churn, customer success score, and support tickets submitted
  • Surfacing internally real-time visualizations that combine your training data with business intelligence from other areas of the company, such as customer health, churn rate, product adoption, etc.
  • Building complex onboarding, nurture, and re-engagement campaigns with marketing software to promote the most relevant training materials at the opportune time
  • Sending additional user metadata (e.g. job title, company name) into your CRM of choice to more easily build and segment reports
  • Building consolidated training dashboards for Customer Success representatives and admins to quickly view training details such as percentage complete or who is certified
  • Automatically adding training data to existing contact records in your CRM of choice
  • Adding training data to customer success software like Gainsight
  • Build custom reports for your enterprise clients (training as a data point)
  • Integrating training data into your own company’s product
The Data Connector’s PostgreSQL tables are replicated in near-real time to provide your business intelligence team with over 35 tables of student information.

Measuring Business Impact with Skilljar’s Data Connector

As you build and scale your Customer Education program, the right data can help you identify patterns, make evidence-based decisions, and adapt strategy to meet business goals. Having ready access to business impact data can also help you raise the visibility of your program and secure additional investment. Skilljar’s Data Connector enables your organization to measure the true impact of training on key business goals and initiatives.

With DataConnector, you can uncover:

  • Does training accelerate deployment?
  • Does training increase product adoption?
  • Does training lead to increased renewals?
  • Does training lead to increased customer satisfaction and advocacy?
  • Does training correlate with expansion?
  • Does training affect support inquiries?
  • Does training decrease the need for 1:1 call time?

Your new Academy is ready. Are you?